From the Mouths of Babes

The Killing Machine

It was risky, hiding the invitation in a book,

Anyone could take it from the cute exchange box.

A little child approached, maybe five.

He rifled through the books.

He slid out the thin Latin grammar ledger.

His eyes coursed over the pages.

We aborted the ambush.

A child!

A boy was the mastermind of the machine.

We met him as planned.

“Why did you design this contraption of death?”

“Death? No, it stops wars. Everyone must be nice or else.”

“What if bad guys get it?”

“It is hidden.”

“What do you mean ‘is’? Are you crazy?”

“Be nice.”

Why did I take a cute photo by Dale Rogerson and spin it with ominous words? Maybe because I just read an article on serial killers (check out Thanks as always to Rochelle Wisoff for hosting “Friday Fictioneers” photo challenge! There’s always so many interesting micro-fiction stories from one photo.

Update on my book, “Children of the Hidden” being considered for publication. It’s still being considered! Made it through one of five (maybe two if I count the person who asked for full manuscript) people who need to give it the thumbs up.

This is what the road to publication is like, inch by inch, hope by hope, and I may end up at yet another rest stop and publication is just the beginning.

Press on fellow writers! Humanity needs good books. Best, Clare

Have you checked out my book “Kill Words” yet? The genre is: New Adult suspense/ lite romance. You can read the first few chapters on Kindle Vella and decide if it’s worth reading on. CLick “Free Preview” below. Look for my blog post coming soon about the pros & cons of Kindle Vella as a Reader and as a Writer.

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18 responses to “From the Mouths of Babes”

  1. Short, sharp, and shocking.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A lovely inventive tale, Clare


  3. Wonderful insight on the different points of view.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. And best of luck with the publishing journey!


    1. Many thanks! Waiting is truly part of the process!


  5. What a sinister take on this photo! I think there are all sorts of other problems when fear controls our actions.


    1. Yes, sinister is a good word for this story!


  6. Interesting story! Good luck with your book!


    1. Many thanks!


  7. Intriguing story. All the very best for finding a publisher. BTW, what is ‘New Adult’?


    1. Thank you Joy! And thanks for asking the question – “New Adult” refers to the age / time in life of the protagonist – early twenties – thirties; college age; starting a career; not yet married.


  8. Hmm.. this reminds me of the idea that we’d all be safer drivers if they took away the seatbelts and fitted a sharpened spike to the steering wheel in place of the airbag. I can see the child-like logic, especially because it’s how so many kids are raised (if you get in trouble for fighting, Dad’ll give you a whack).



    1. Negative reinforcement may seem successful , but no one thrives in that kind of ‘nice’ world.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Dear Clare,

    And a child shall lead them. Lovely concept. Be nice.




    1. A lot of good could happen if everyone just thought of ‘be nice’ before they acted.


  10. Oh dear… This is not comforting at all!


    1. Maybe in a child’s mind!

      Liked by 1 person

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