Who’s Laughing Now?

“So what are we playing?” Dad asked across the card table.

“Hearts. We need love around here,” Mom said dealing cards out.

“Agreed,” Jordan said. “If you guys loved me you’d let me go.”

“You have a full scholarship.”

“I’m talking a year as a comedian. I have shows already.”

“Finish four at college then make the world laugh.”

Mom smiled. “He is really funny.”

“That’s not the point,” Dad said. “He has a good opportunity. Time to learn to play the cards he’s dealt.”

“Really?” Jordan turned over his cards to reveal seven Jokers. “You picked my collector’s deck.”


Jokers are kind of creepy, don’t you think? Kind of makes you wonder who the joke is on. This photo prompt © Lisa Fox is from Rochelle Wisoff’s Friday Fictioneers photo challenge. Head to her blog to connect with all the stories from this interesting photo.

My Nana taught me how to play cards. First “Old Maid, Crazy 8’s and Go Fish. Then when I was older, “Kings in the Corner” which was her favorite and Solataire which she often played at our kitchen table. There are a lot of dynamics in a family card (or board) game. It’s old-fashioned but bolstered with some good snacks it can be a great way to bond and share and learn. Just don’t beat Nana too many times in a row or she’ll hide the candy bag from you.

Wishing you all a day with some ‘fun and games’ (without sarcasm since that is often how I describe my work life). Have a good one, Clare.

28 thoughts on “Who’s Laughing Now?

  1. There is no easy way to do it, but it is done. I’m with Jordan. The damn school will always be there, youth, no so much. Only the roadies can get jobs easily.


  2. Oh dear, the challenge of dreams versus reality. Only time will tell who was right on that one, but maybe the 7 jokers was a sign?!
    So many happy memories in card games. I hope they survive the digital age.

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